
SteveMaddenFootball's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,054 (From 268 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 11,310 Points

How to Make Basic B

Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Interdimensional Square Off

Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/250 points)

Still Got The Moves! 5 Points

Somehow by some miracle manage to start the game

Uh... What's The Occasion? 10 Points

Play on Pixel Day

Stings, Doesn't It? 5 Points

Get a score below 100

You're Trash 5 Points

Get a score below 1k

We Sure Showed Him! 25 Points

Get a score of 10k or higher

I'm The Sheriff Around These Parts! 50 Points

Get a best combo of 100 or higher

Where do all these guys keep coming from? 100 Points

Survive 5+ minutes

The Power of the Sun... 10 Points

Die when both your total hits and best combo are equal (and higher than 20)

This Feels... Good! 10 Points

Obtain every power-up

That's A Cute Outfit! 5 Points

Buy an outfit

Rides Up The Crotch A Lil Bit... 25 Points

Buy ALL the outfits

Isometric Room Collab

Medals Earned: 16/33 (200/425 points)

MoaiHead 5 Points

Find the Moai Statue

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

EmptySpaceDinner 5 Points

Stare into the eyes of nothingness

FloatingIsland 5 Points

Meditate and mediate

DeathNote 5 Points

It's really just a black notebook

SecretTankman 5 Points

Muax baby <3

ClockPrisoner 5 Points

Stinky Clock Man

DeepExistentialism 5 Points

I just need a break

CJuice 5 Points

What does the C stand for?

LavaLamp 5 Points

Taste the rainbow lava!

PiratePoster 25 Points


Vaporwave 25 Points


ScottPilgrim 25 Points

Just you vs the world

DreamIsland 25 Points


TriForce 25 Points

Legend of Lonk

SunRoom 25 Points

Sunny at the pool party

BehindThere 5 Points

What's behind the curtain?

EagleTV 5 Points

Is that what future TV looks like?

ClockCrew 5 Points

Now that's a poster!

TheBluePortal 5 Points


Freako 5 Points

What a freak!

RockyHorror 5 Points

Fine Movie you're watching Will

CrownBoy 5 Points

A little guy with a crown

BillCypher 5 Points

Is that Bill?

Shantae 5 Points

KickAss Girl

MrMabsPlushie 5 Points


3dComputer 25 Points

DevilGarage FTW

2DGorillaz 25 Points

Windmill windmill

SrPelo 25 Points

That's a lot of hair there

RickandMorty 25 Points


ThirdEye 25 Points

Awaken your senses

TankmanComputer 25 Points


LePeguin 25 Points

That's a Penguin boy

It Says to Wait

Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/255 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Bookworm 25 Points

Read 15 times

Stool Puncher 25 Points

Play 15 times

Empty Kidneys 50 Points

Wait without drinking once

Jack 64

Medals Earned: 1/2 (10/60 points)

The Meal 10 Points

Help Jack get to Culvers!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Keep Falling

Medals Earned: 7/11 (40/265 points)

A new beginning 5 Points

Welcome to Keep Falling

Thanks for playing 5 Points

Play for the first time

Robin Hood 10 Points

Collect 100 coins

Let it go 5 Points

Get a freeze powerup

Kaboom 5 Points

Get a bomb powerup

Gotta go fast 5 Points

Get a speed powerup

Opposites attract 5 Points

Get a magnet powerup

Hello, I like money 25 Points

Collect 500 coins

Millennium 50 Points

Collect 1000 coins

Richie Rich 50 Points

Collect 5000 coins

It's over 9000! 100 Points

Collect 10000 coins

Keep It In! 3

Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/255 points)

Start The Ball Bouncing Fun! 5 Points

Start the game.

On Top Of The World! 50 Points

Set a high score!

Moneybags! 25 Points

Save up 250 BounceCoins!

Rhythm Pro! 25 Points

Get B rank on Rhythm Mode.

Rhythm Legend! 50 Points

Get A rank on Rhythm Mode

Rhythm God! 100 Points

Get S rank on Rhythm Mode.

Kill Lola Bunny

Medals Earned: 10/20 (50/375 points)

'cause I'm TNT 5 Points

Call in some friends for some massive mayhem.

Ballgame 5 Points

You've got a pretty good basketball shot!

Cuntpunter 5 Points

That's a pretty good kick!

Flatliner 5 Points

Splat! She's flat for real now.

Hot Limit 5 Points

You have mastered the Tao of Darnell.

IPPON! 5 Points

Like a Samurai Warrior!

Psycho 5 Points

Heeeeeeeeeeeere's you!

Quickfix 5 Points

That there crowbar's fixed her up good!

Shotgun man-iac 5 Points

Give the Shotgun a go!

War Criminal 5 Points

You have crossed the moral event horizon.

Nice View 5 Points

Sometimes a change of scenery is nice.

Full Set 10 Points

You have mastered all the tools of your trade.

Donkeh! 25 Points

The rarest pokemon in Gensokyo.

Maniac 25 Points

Kill her 50 times.

Old School Operator 25 Points

Do it like Shotgun Man

Insane 50 Points

Insane! That's over a 100 kills!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Kill the Turkey

Medals Earned: 1/25 (5/425 points)

Boom, Headshot 5 Points

Kill the turkey with a sniper rifle.

Pistol 5 Points

Kill the turkey with a pistol.

Shotgun 5 Points

Kill the turkey with a shotgun.

Ka-Boom! 5 Points

Kill the turkey with a rocket launcher

SMG 5 Points

Kill the turkey with an SMG.

The Wrath of God 5 Points

Smite the Turkey with the wrath of God.

Assault Rifle 5 Points

Kill the turkey with an assault rifle.

Ray Gun 5 Points

Kill the turkey with a new ray gun from the future.

HOME RUN!!! 5 Points

Kill the turkey with a baseball bat.

Fire in the Hole! 5 Points

Kill the turkey with a grenade.

Soul Steal 5 Points

His soul is yours!

Crossbow 5 Points

Kill the turkey with a crossbow.

Machine Gun 5 Points

Kill the turkey with a machine gun.

Axe 5 Points

Kill the turkey with an axe.

Nuke 5 Points

That's a bit excessive, don't you think?

Minigun 5 Points

Cry some more.

Cyanide 5 Points

What the hell were you thinking?! You're supposed to kill the turkey, not yourself!

Neck Snap 5 Points

Kill the turkey by snapping his neck.

Flamethrower 5 Points

Kill the turkey with a flamethrower.

Spare the Turkey 5 Points

Who made this game? PETA?

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Kiss Cat

Medals Earned: 2/7 (15/270 points)

5 score 5 Points

you got 5 score

10 score 10 Points

you got 10 score

50 score 50 Points

you got 50 score

100 score 100 Points

you got 100 score

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

You follow me 5 Points

Thanks :3