
SteveMaddenFootball's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,054 (From 268 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 11,310 Points

Blue Vortex

Medals Earned: 1/1 (100/100 points)

Hexagon 100 Points

Survive for 1 minute.


Medals Earned: 5/13 (100/495 points)

Erm... Did that just happen? 5 Points

It's all too much.

Trooper 10 Points

Miss 10 times in a row.

Gamer Intellect 25 Points

Beat a wave without pulling the cue ball

Gamer Agility 50 Points

Beat a round without taking damage

Maybe Next Time 10 Points

Die during an active combo

Amirite 10 Points

Kill a passive Prissy

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Gamer Endurance 50 Points

Get a combo of 25,000 or more.

Gamer Strength 50 Points

Get a score of 50,000 or more in a single game.

Rebound 50 Points

Get down to one health and gain it back to full in the same game.

One Hundred 10 Points

Kill 100 Ghosts

No Life 100 Points

Kill 1000 Ghosts

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

bossfight sim 2

Medals Earned: 3/11 (15/145 points)

Meh Ending 5 Points

Didn't good ending tho

BlackHole 5 Points


Easy Ending 5 Points

That was easy

Boom Ending 5 Points

Really Jim?

Teleport Ending 5 Points


Good Ending 5 Points


Book 5 Points


Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Time ending 5 Points

out of time

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Botanica Prototype

Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/70 points)

Gardener 5 Points

Use a seed

Living Greens 5 Points

Complete level 1

Woodsman 5 Points

Complete level 2

Butchered 10 Points

Complete the boss level

Worm Charmer 25 Points

Complete the boss level without taking any damage

Big Mama's Gift 10 Points

Save all of Big Mama's children and receive your reward

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 3/4 (20/45 points)

Start the game! 5 Points

You started it.

Level 1 5 Points

Well, that was easy :)

Level 5 10 Points


Final Boss! 25 Points

Beat the final boss, and beat the game!


Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/130 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Bug Toucher

Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/95 points)

Death... 5 Points

Kill a bug :(

Normal Mode Complete! 10 Points

Completed Normal Mode

Double Bug Mode Completed! 25 Points

Completed Double Bug Mode

Play ??? 5 Points

Find the secret mode after beating the game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Bullet Dodger

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/190 points)

Began The Game Medal 5 Points

You started the game!

Mid-Way Medal 10 Points

Half way to endless mode!

Endless Mode Medal 25 Points

You made it to endless mode, try and get a high score!

500 Second Medal 50 Points

You reached the 500 second mark!

600 Second Medal 100 Points

You reached the 600 second mark!

Bullet Heaven 3 [Prototype]

Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/500 points)

Whodunnit? 5 Points

Check out and maybe even read the credits.

Baby Steps 5 Points

Buy your first of many upgrades.

Getting Buff 5 Points

Max out any upgrade type. Some have more levels than others.

Making it Rain 5 Points

Collect 2,000 money or more in any one level. Money multiplier helps.

Blaster Master 10 Points

Get two attack power ups at the same time for massive damage.

Bouncer 10 Points

Reflect 30 bullets with one shield power up. Try not to touch the foes though.

Bushwhacker 10 Points

Kill 1,000 foes dead.

Going Big 25 Points

Get a Total High Score of 300,000 or more.

Totally Shredded 25 Points

Grind a bit and max out all upgrades.

Unperishable 25 Points

Beat any level after level 10 without taking damage.

Warmed Up 25 Points

Beat the first 10 levels.

Going Bigger 50 Points

Get a Total High Score of 1,000,000 or more. Can only be done on Hard Mode.

Hard Mode Complete 50 Points

Beat all 20 levels again on Hard Mode.

Prototype Complete 50 Points

Beat all 20 levels and finish the game.

Hardcore 100 Points

Get an A rank or better in every level on Hard Mode.

Softcore 100 Points

Get an A rank or better in every level.

buy me a drink

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/30 points)

lights on 5 Points

turn the light on

buy me a drink 5 Points

pay for the drink

total destruction 5 Points

destroy the vending machine

empty 10 Points

empty the vending machine

the end 5 Points

finish the game