Super funny and nice!
@BoiledMilkz and @Little-Rena, who is your favourite FNF character? And why?
Super funny and nice!
@BoiledMilkz and @Little-Rena, who is your favourite FNF character? And why?
Girlfriend coz she's just has a nice character design.
I like girlfriends mum because milf
Super cool, funny jokes, great animation, and great voice acting.
Thanks :)
Thank you :3
Very funny! I like how strong the expressions are, and the voice acting is good as well.
Verry much thankses!!!🙏
Super hilarious! Good writing! I am very impressed by how well the characters are animated with fluidity and humor. The exaggeration really enhances the expressions and communicates great humor. I deeply enjoyed the work— Excellent and amazing animation with great voice acting and sound design. The way the shading is done on the characters is very amazing! Along with the detailed backgrounds.
@JCaluger, what do you think about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? What advice would you give for starting an animation project and ensuring that it is completed? What are the key factors that contribute to a successful production cycle?
@PadrePuerte, what was your process for developing the voices for Jotaro, Dio, and Joseph?
@ZaazNG, what is your process for organizing the sounds and getting the timing right with all the sound effects? Also, what advice would you give for sound design?
It is a great series and I especially love watching it. I guess some good advice for starting a project is to make sure you have a good vision and even better idea of what you want. One thing that helps keep me productive when working on a project is knowing that I enjoy the subject of what I am working on. I hope that answers your questions, I'm not super good at explaining my thoughts.
My process was simple... I invoked my inner HAMON, trained for years and went to town ;D
Nah but forreally I think JC gave me some direction on what he wanted for the three to sound like and I just rolled with it after that lolol
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching homie! :)
My process for doing sound design isn't very complex, I'd firstly watch whatever it is I'm editing for fully without sound, then go into the sound effects I have, and work from there.
To time the audio perfectly, the trick is to have the sound play slightly before the action, most editing software has some latency to it, you gotta put that into account, what you think is timed sometimes isn't, so just have it play a little earlier.
My advice for sound design would be to think outside the box, sound design and working with sounds isn't as straightforward as some might think, some sounds work well with the action, while others you wouldn't have expected to work, work even better, so that's my advice, don't be afraid to be a little unusual with your approach :)
Very funny, and I am surprised by how well-structured it is. The way you've drawn the characters is excellent, and the pacing is very good. You are a skilled storyteller, and the sound design adds a lot to your work.
@ZabuJard how do you write your scripts? How many revisions do you go through, and what is your thought process for deciding which jokes should be included and which ones should not? Do you follow a specific formula for your creations?
i usualy just thnik of the script in my head and then animate tot hat general script,
and then still screw it up when i record it XD so itis still kind of improvy
The fluidity of your animation is excellent, and the use of different camera angles is a great decision as well. The animation is very expressive, with good sound and music. It's a funny animation with great action. Now I know how to fight—very cool! The silhouettes are very readable and are a great asset to your animation.
@DaddyBen what is it like animating in Toon Boom Harmony?
@DaddyBen if you were to start over learning animation, how would you begin?
@DaddyBen the way you animate the fluid motions of the arms and some of the action scenes reminds me a bit of Superjail! I’m not sure if it’s just a coincidence, I primarily see it in the arm movements.
Thanks for the review! To answer your questions, working in harmony is great. There's a lot of options and it's really easy to adjust things after they've already been drawn, though I'm not sure I'll pay for it once I no longer get it for free from school.
If I were to start learning animation again, I'd probably focus a lot on getting stronger poses and perspective. After that though, starting small with things like ball bounces and jumping to get used to using arcs and all the 12 principles of animation. That way, once those are out of the way the better posing would allow for more dynamic and interesting shots.
As for Superjail, I have seen it and am a fan! I can't say it was a direct inspiration but the animation in that show is really good an unique, there's a good chance I picked up something subconsciously while watching it.
Thank you so much! I was immediately amazed by the fluidity and composition of the scenes, and how well they flowed. The music and sound design were also awesome. The characters each have a well-defined personality, clearly showcased through their emotions. Thank you so much! I would also say that there seems to be some inspiration from Panty and Stocking and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, especially in the way the eyes are designed. You can really see those influences in the eye design.
@MarcoCardenas how did you organize large project? What were the biggest challenges you faced during production, and what did you learn from the experience? How would you advise other animators to approach creating an animated film? In your experience, what are the crucial elements for successfully completing a production from start to finish?
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EDIT. Thank you so much @MarcoCardenas
You are awesome, and I am extremely grateful and happy that you like to share your experiences of creating your amazing short film with fellow passionate people. Wow, yes, I can fully understand that your project required a lot of energy and time, and I deeply respect your ability to be creative and passionate. It's so inspiring to learn from your last short film and see how you’ve advanced your skills in almost every department, especially with color and film language. You must have an amazing analytical approach, as it requires a lot of analysis and self-reflection.
I hadn't considered that perspective before, and you are absolutely right. Understanding your motivations for creating is crucial for overcoming the tougher challenges of the process. Creating art involves many difficult and tedious tasks, and without the right mentality for growth and learning, you might not fully appreciate or value the experience. This process is where you learn more about yourself, your medium, and what you wish to communicate.
I was listening to a podcast with Pilar Newton, a storyboard artist for Courage the Cowardly Dog. She discussed how, during the pandemic, many healthy acquaintances found themselves struggling due to isolation and a lack of creative activity. She mentioned that once people retire, they are more likely to become ill if they do not stay active. I would say that is immensely true.
When you lose your drive and motivation, your body struggles to adjust to such a drastic change in habits, which can lead to a lack of focus. Maintaining good health in older age often relies on having a strong sense of motivation and continuing to cultivate positive mental habits. All those sleepless nights and substance use will eventually catch up with you in a negative way. People often underestimate the impact of their habits, and the habit of continuous learning is one of the most powerful. I've seen many artists stagnate at a certain point and fail to move beyond it. They then question why they no longer feel passionate about art, often because they lack a driving force for their motivation.
Taking action and not forgetting why you do art!
Being able to enjoy art is one of life’s greatest gifts, and I feel many people take it for granted. There is so much amazing work out there waiting to be discovered and appreciated, and I believe that discovering and appreciating art is what creates a more fulfilling life, from my perspective.
How did you organize a large project? The project was large, but my team was not. I received help on the Backgrounds by Maurico F. Cornelio, but I had a nonexistent budget so I took care of almost everything else by myself. Still, props to the cast of voice acting and the additional help on storyboards by Ibrah Corona!
What were the biggest challenges you faced during production, and what did you learn from the experience? The biggest challenge was not loosing my mind over the huge amount of time that this project required for me, I had to juggle work and this passion project, so any free time I had I poured it here. Since my last shortfilm I had to learn and rising my skill level on almost every department, mostly color and film language.
How would you advise other animators to approach creating an animated film? Be grounded! instead of making the project you'd like to make, make the project you CAN make!
what are the crucial elements for successfully completing a production from start to finish? Keep walking. Any step is better than none, the best moment to start making your ownanimations was 2 years ago, the second best moment is now (yeah I ripped it off from some old tree saying or whatever but it is true! ) So yea, taking action and not forgetting why you do art! :]
I was initially skeptical at the start, but when the character punched the guy with the baseball cap, I was amazed by how impactful the hit was. The impact frame and explosion were great details.
@lowstation how did you develop your style?
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EDIT. Yes, thank you; that did help me better understand your process. You are very skilled and have a very complex understanding of shape language. @lowstation
hi! :D
Thank you very much for liking my style, I really appreciate it,
I take a lot of references from well sketched drawings, and I make my line as fast as possible, it's kind of the ‘sketch’, I can't explain very well how I developed my line, an explanation could also be because I really liked more square lines and sketches, that's it
I hope I've helped you
I am immensely confused by your series, it's clear you have great passion. I find it funny that the snakes resemble penises—that's a humorous and I personally find the funniest detail of your movie.
@Kelsland how did you decide to include so many different characters from various series combined into one? Your narrative choices seem very deliberate.
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EDIT. Thank you @Kelsland
That wasn’t intentional, but it’s still super funny! Makes sense to use characters from various series.
The snakes looking like penises actually wasn't deliberate. I made them long ago when I wasn't as good at art (relatively to how I good I am now). I appreciate the sentiment. I use lots of characters from various series because it's the easiest way to get people to check out my content but yes I still choose certain characters that will fit the narrative that I am telling in a given video.
Great job everybody!
thanks and also you did good job as voice actor :)
Mine was kinda rushed because I was late to the party and had to make something and my original is gonna be finished and put to my NG account so lookout for that
”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
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Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.
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I'm open for collab!
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By Psykonix
Age 24, Male
Drug dealer for kids
Pennsylvania Int Sch (PennIS)
DK / Timezone: CEST
Joined on 3/21/22