Excellent art! Thank you all so much for making this an awesome collab. The drawings are very creative! It's always great to see passion!
Excellent art! Thank you all so much for making this an awesome collab. The drawings are very creative! It's always great to see passion!
Collab of the year??!!! :OOOOOO
The whole crew is collabmaxxxing.
I feel like you can use the disqualified scene to practice, which I think is cool, and the instructions explain it well. The gameplay is fun and takes practice to get used to. On my second try, I got to second place. It is difficult to get to first place. Sizzling! I keep getting to second place. On my fourth try, I got to first place at 11:39. Glorious! I feel the experience is short and concrete, and it has an interesting concept that I feel is well-executed.
So, it is winnable after all! I'm pleased to hear. Yes exactly, my intention of not forcing a restart after a DQ was to enable stress free practicing (and also to put in a goof that sadly did not make it in time).
Your game is well-made; full of personality and has a unique and interesting style with functioning gameplay. However, I have trouble with the music; I find it disorienting, especially when the piano kicks in because the tonalities feel clashing with each other. It's a good decision that you can easily turn back and try to replay the level if you are stuck. The sound effects are good. I like you can buy different hats.
Thanks for your review
The main sets and the rules of the game are there. I wish there was more; when I right-click and go into fullscreen inside Flash, I can see that it's not entirely blacked out at the edges. The borders are visible, and I can see the other fish from there. So, I wish there was a higher expansion of the black set. This is good and functional, and I think you should develop the concept further. You are awesome; thank you for creating games. I think it's really nice that you are very passionate and skilled, and you deserve respect. You absolutely have my respect.
Thank you very much for the kind words!
The game is fun, and it's really cool that you made it. Sadly, my biggest issue is the choppy frame rate. I understand that this is intended to be a joke, though I still think it would be better if it were less choppy. Additionally, adding more elements such as potentially voice acting to help create a plot would be helpful. More elements and a narrative story would allow you to create your own unique spin on the parody you're parodying. I would assume it would enhance the gameplay.
Thank you for writing in the description and providing details. I think your description does a good job of giving context to your intentions with your game.
I think this a nice fan-game of reallyhandsomepeople's Supra Mayro Bross. I've noticed that in Supra Mayro Bross has a very fluent frame rate and bouncy controls. It also features moving clouds and background elements. Incorporating jokes would enhance the experience even more. The link to Neocities doesn't function, though the BitView and Newgrounds links do. Overall, I think the game is functional.
Sorry about the bad framerate. I don't really know how to fix it. However, if you're using ruffle, it might run faster if you use Pale Moon with Adobe Flash enabled. Actually, now that I think about it, I think I made the game somehow get capped at 15 FPS.
Oh, and the NeoCities link, I'm not sure how to fix that, though I will look into fixing it and see what is wrong.
I feel the music is too intense for a point-and-click game, where a lot of the time you have to read what is going on, and I find the music a bit distracting. The game is well-made; I like when you click on the smiley and on the speech bubble it shows the smiley. However, I put a dollar inside the office door, and it did not open the door. I found that frustrating, so I quit.
Then I decided to restart and play the game all over again to get back to that same part. Your menu is well-designed, and I like the music choice on the menu. The intro is also good; it's a nice intro movie that explains the plot through visual storytelling, which I would say is a strong suit of your movie. I had to wait for the machine to say thanks so it could open the door. If you don't wait for the machine, then it bugs out, and you cannot open the door, leaving you stuck and unable to progress later into the game.
You have good animation. I finished the game after getting the key, Tiro escapes hell. Thank you for creating your game; I think it was fun to play.
Thanks for your feedback! I will try to change the music choices and fix the money glitch. Thank you for spending your time playing my game! I really appreciate it!
Nice prototype with a fun character. Good job! I hope you will finish your platformer game because you have all the building blocks ready to go.
My friends and I are working on it, and I'm not really sure about whether or not It's finished
I can make a circle, a square, a line - those I really like. The fact that I can choose the color as well is excellent. You are very skilled at making menus, and this program is pretty good. Thank you for adding comments. This is a functioning demonstration of Flex's abilities. How did you get interested in creating Flex applications?
I am no longer a flash developer, I am switching to another programming language, I will still be working on 1 game with my customer Alexander, and I’m not a flash developer, I forgot about action script 3, now I’ll learn from scratch HaxeUI
You are skilled at communicating comedic events through action. Your movie is good, and thank you for explaining the scenario with the options in the comments.
”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
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Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.
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I'm open for collab!
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By Psykonix
Age 24, Male
Drug dealer for kids
Pennsylvania Int Sch (PennIS)
DK / Timezone: CEST
Joined on 3/21/22