There's a really good sense of progression in your song, with a great choice of instruments.
@CARVEDSPINES, how do you decide to create Sega Genesis-style music specifically?
@CARVEDSPINES, what is your process?
There's a really good sense of progression in your song, with a great choice of instruments.
@CARVEDSPINES, how do you decide to create Sega Genesis-style music specifically?
@CARVEDSPINES, what is your process?
Sega Genesis soundfonts just fit the tone of the game, being about kids roleplaying these imaginary fights in their head. They're playing pretend! I love old video game soundfonts and the Megadrive Soundfont sounds very bouncy and playful.
My process usually boils down to Music First, Gameplay Second. So I base the respective scene or battle on the vibe of whatever track I manage to create. Toby Fox did this with Undertale and I thought I'd follow suit.
Wow, yes! I like your song a lot. There is a great atmosphere, and the way the beat hits is just right. The old-school power mixing and mastering are amazing, with a nice subtle richness that really accentuates the warmth of the sounds. You've made the right decision!
@JAME24, what do you like about old-school hip-hop, and how did you become interested in it? How would you describe your experiences with music, and what led you to decide to start producing beats?
@JAME24, how did you get interested in Newgrounds?
I started producing almost 9 years ago just for fun and it turned into more of a love than a hobby. I used to make edm u can look back years ago on my page I started producing because of geometry dash and I wanted my own music in that game. I started working on hiphop with producing for my old roommate and never really looked back. I love how "raw" old school hiphop is and I believe hip hop is almost more about being grimey and dirty than having a perfect hollywood mix. Being a perfectionist at heart I tend to use that power more towards my sample chops and drums. I was a drummer before I even started producing! I became interested in this style cuz of producers I love like The Alchemist, Cookin Soul, and Dibia$e, along with countless others. Sampling is an art form and a great one at that.
I found newgrounds through geometry dash as a kid and its a shame I have yet to find an elder mod to get my songs usable in game. But I think newgrounds is an amazing community to share music in anyway due to the dope feedback you can get from reviews and the communnity that I'm able to grow through my music. I've tried soundcloud but its just not the same as ng when it comes to community!
Thank you for creating your music! You have a unique and personal style, with an atmosphere that is rich and very personal to you.
@FreakFormal, what skills do you feel are unnecessary for songwriting, and what songwriting techniques do you utilize in your productions?
@FreakFormal, I would say one of your biggest skills is the ability to listen to and appreciate music. What amazes me is how many skills you combine in your work, including songwriting, production, playing instruments, and vocals!
I don't know if there's unnecessary things for songwriting, I like utilizing whatever I can, and every song has a different approach. But I always do the usual hum melody and try to come with lyrics later, gravitating to words that come naturally and building from there.
Thank you for your kind words again!
I enjoy your song, and I can fully confirm that the mix is good. Your vocals are great; you are a skilled musician!
@AveragePhoe, what is your story behind getting interested in creating music, especially in the alternative pop genre? How do you define your process as a songwriter, and in what ways has it evolved over time?
@AveragePhoe, do you consider creating music therapeutic?
@AveragePhoe, from your perspective, what are some common pitfalls that musicians make in songs, and how can they avoid them?
1: I've always loved music, even if I didn't always have the desire to create it. At some point, I picked up the guitar and that was it. I made Instrumental music at first, but my pivot to Alternative Pop was a rather incidental one. It's just what came natural to me when writing lyrics. As for that process, it really depends from song to song. Sometimes an idea will pop into my head, sometimes a melody or a phrase, and I'll work on it till it turns into something more. I think, over time, I've learned to better visualize what it is that I want to make, so the whole process is a lot smoother for sure.
2: Most definitely! Even if it's a song that never comes out, just the making of it brings me peace (and rage, from time to time).
3: I think it's easy to let yourself get lost in the idea of what you want a song to be, as opposed to what it could be. Sometimes your first idea sucks, and you gotta to let go of it to create what you really want to create.
Your song is interesting! I like the balance of instruments; it is well thought out and planned, which gives it a lot of immersion. The synth and drums have a somewhat dark, synthwave-like tone. Great variation.
@trevor8, what is your approach to structuring a composition?
thank you so much! i don't really have much of a stucture or premeditation on most songs; i just play around with sounds and chords i like and let it unfurl
The vibe is super dope; the drums have an interesting cadence, and your vocals are very personal.
@CheemMan, how did you discover Newgrounds?
Hey! So glad you enjoyed the song! If you wish why not check out the rest of the album as I release it?
And this to answer your question, I've known about Newgrounds for awhile but only started to upload to it in 2021 when my friend introduced me to making music (literally first song ever made). So yeah.
Have a good day!
Awesome energy! You have a great voice!
@Nerostratos, how did you get interested in voice acting?
Thank you! Pretty sure It started in highschool when I realized I could do a pretty decent Carl Wheezer impression and my friends at lunch would die laughing whenever I said the most unhinged things imaginable XD
Great and atmospheric, and thank you for releasing your song royalty-free.
I'll be excited to see the animated project!
@TheJayJay, what was the inspiration for your song?
Pretty much everything I make is royalty-free.
Actually, MetalSlayer gave a playlist of songs for me to take inspiration from. If I recall correctly there was a Beatles song, Jimi Hendrix song and others that I can't fully remember. But most notably one of the songs included was 'Echoes' by Pink Floyd, which was the main inspiration. I pretty much went "What if this song had a structure that was more similar to a pop song?"
So uh...yeah. thanq yuo
It’s such a bummer when creatures escape and start harming people.
@Durinde, what is your writing process for creating skits?
Usually a concept of an idea will come to me while I'm away from the studio. I'll tend to play around with it in my head and script it out quickly when I get to the studio prior to recording. Usually there's a key phrase or idea that I latch onto, in this case I think I was watching a video about game development where they were talking about reskinning character models and I thought it would be a neat horror type concept if "reskinning" happened "for real"
Your song makes me very happy! It has such a rich atmosphere and positivity. Wow, I am amazed by how much depth there is in your composition.
@FreakFormal, how did you get interesting creating music?
@FreakFormal, what is your approach to creating songs?
@FreakFormal, what VSTs do you use?
@FreakFormal, what does being an musician mean to you?
oh wow I'm not used to getting reactions thank you so much 😭 as far as your questions um lemme think
For reference I just turned 20, but I've been actively playing and creating music since I was around 12, my dad is a musician who plays and record for his church so I would always check what he does and ask questions, but for the longest time I would record on garage band with my phone, often using the mic, holding it out to my physical piano, Drum set or guitar I had. Alot are actually on my YouTube, always gone by Freak Formal, I don't even think their half bad for what they are lol
I usually make a beat or a variety of instrumentals and take a walk with my note's app, listening for like an hour brainstorming ideas, usually with a theme already in my head. For "I's on me" it was actually melody first, where I came up with the first passage and chord progression and built momentum straight from there it took me a day to fully write it, it was exciting I loved it
I use a TON of free software and vst's, CakeWalk is my main daw with synth1 being my bestfriend, thanks to seeing ninja muffin use it, I did recently get PolyMax synth, one of the only vst's I have that cost money which is riddled all throughout these new sets of songs I'm pushing out soon
This one is a tough one... I think for me it's creating emotionally raw art that's as honest as you can make it. While maintaining a sonic sound you like. But I've always been more interested in Songwriting than technical performance, but I've put a TON of music theory hours I definitely know what I'm doing in that department, it really does make writing songs easier, at least for what I like to make, very indie pop
Thank you for your interest I have like 9 songs I'm putting out soon for an album so there's more if you're interested! Very excited I'm trying to experiment with tons of sounds.
”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
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Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.
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I'm open for collab!
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PFP Chosen by
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By Psykonix
Age 24, Male
Drug dealer for kids
Pennsylvania Int Sch (PennIS)
DK / Timezone: CEST
Joined on 3/21/22