It's amazing to hear your jazz track; it's super well-constructed!
It's amazing to hear your jazz track; it's super well-constructed!
Very funny Toon Boom story! I find it fascinating that in the TikTok, the whole thing was about Toon Boom, yet they still asked what program was being used. It’s important not to overwork yourself—I think that’s one of the biggest challenges people face. They push themselves to the point of exhaustion and end up losing the joy in their work.
Amazing collaboration! Hell yeah! Gorgeous song! I really appreciate how much force there is in the music, presenting strength. Your lyrics are filled with an engaging sense of rage, which resonates deeply with me.
Absolute stellar work on the instrumental and the final mix! @guyfromKillerRAT, how have you been?
I'm glad it resonates man. We've got some social rebels up in here revving to make some changes for real. :) Hell Yeah and Thank You Aalasteir!
That guy from KillerRAT killed it fo shizzle! He's got those essential instrumental nukes while this dude writes missiles. 🔥
Oh, thank you. Cyberdevil truly is a lyrical master, in my opinion. There's a reason I like to work with him! He blows me away every time. And I sounds like I have a similar effect on him too :)
As for how I've been, lots and lots of ups and downs in life, but music has DEFINITELY been an up! Not only did I get to do this killer song with Cyberdevil, but also, I've just been in a much more creative mood lately! Not to mention, I'm finally putting a real band together. That's right, Killer RAT previously has been mostly me doing all the brain and legwork and getting help from various people when needed, but I now have a drummer and bass player who are very dedicated and spend a lot of time and effort into our project! So, now, I really am no longer Killer RAT - I am simply the guy from Killer RAT. And I am happy to be that.
00:44 - This one is my favorite because it sounds the most natural and true to the character. With a lot of voice acting, I often feel there’s too much of a flat performance, which adds a level of inauthenticity that doesn’t feel like it was done in the moment. Imagine you’re speaking as the character; picture looking into their eyes and try to feel the same emotions they feel. Instead of just reciting the words and mimicking, actually embody the emotion.
You are a skilled voice actor.
@CutToTheChase, when did your interest in voice acting begin? and why?
Oh wow thank you! I really appreciate it :) I totally get what you mean, it can sometimes be hard to bridge the gap when performing between yourself and what the character is experiencing, especially in voice acting where you have very little to go off of.
I've actually been an actor for most of my life, doing a lot of theatre and more recently film, and started in the voice acting realm when anime fandubs/abridged series were popular on YouTube in the early 2000s. Branched into Newgrounds for a bit with a few animated shorts back in the day. I have just on and off been doing voice acting projects when I can, and my goal is to grow to have this as well as the rest of my acting turn into hopefully a full blown career.
I love what I do and as an actor I'm always trying to find bigger and better ways to bring characters and stories to life! Thanks for taking the time to post a comment!
@MonoCronic, what do you like about music?
This is a super good album! You have an interesting synth vibe, and the synth sounds are rich in depth and tone. The drums are good, and I like the sense of progression. Your songs are varied while still following an overall theme, and I also like your album cover.
@MonoCronic, when did your story with music began?
@MonoCronic, what techniques and pieces of wisdom do you have on creating? Also, thank you for making your album exclusive to Newgrounds for a month—that's super cool of you!
@MonoCronic, where do you feel musicians tend to go wrong, and why? What are some bad habits they develop?
What do I like about music? Complete freedom and versatility, first and foremost. Second, the fact that just with couple of sounds, and several notes, you could set up and absolute mood for the song, and express yourself not only through the lyrics, but through the sound itself as well!
When did my story begin? It was early 2010, February, to be exact. I bought my first bass guitar with the money I had from New Year's Eve, and since then I started practicing with bass, drums, and singing. Since 2010 I've been constantly intertwined with music in one way, or another. I used to play metal gigs from 2010 till 2015, in 2015 I switched to rap, and was dedicated to it until early 2020. And since 2020 I've started the MonoCronic project, still rocking with it along, not planning to stop any time soon!
Techniques and wisdom? To be honest... I consider myself a novice, despite the over a decade long experience. I'd say just trust your heart. Don't make music with your brain only, being smart about it isn't gonna be enough. You gotta put your heart and soul into it, otherwise you'll get a technically flawless, yet lifeless song, that sounds good only from the technical aspect. I am glad to make the album exclusive to NG for that time, since I owe my career to RyuuAkito, Cheshyre, and NewGrounds itself!
And about making wrong turns in music, hm... I'd say that many of musicians tend to become the prisoners of their own "skills/genre". Musicians should NEVER try to absolutely dedicate themselves to one thing and one thing only. Because that will lock them in one place, where all they will be able to do, is stamp the similar sounding songs over and over again, until they completely run out of any inspiration and will to continue composing. Always experiment, and try something new! Oh, and, don't be afraid of failure, don't let it narrate your future! Failure is just a step towards the success!!!
The start is very beautiful, with a great melody. I'm a big fan of the sound and the nice drums; they contrast well with the instruments and the synthy sound.
At 1:03, the vocals cut out to a bar, which felt out of place in the experience because the change isn’t different enough to warrant it. It doesn’t contribute to the story in a way that helps the narrative.
Your song has interesting lyrics, and overall, your vocals are good.
@viewersessions, where do the lyrics come from?
Thank you so much! I was trying to create a weird contrast at 1:03 but you’re right that it doesn’t really fit the rest of the song.
The lyrics are kind of an amalgamation of a story i’ve had in my head for a while, some of them appear in other songs too. i’m trying to work on songs about a variety of characters and how they interact with other people, or visualize people in their dreams
The lyrics are good; they have a strong punch to them.
@Kettako, what is your process for creating lyrics?
@Kettako, how did you get interested in creating music?
Thanks <3
Process for lyrics. For this project, I did the chord progression and strumming pattern first, Came up with a rough of lyrics away from the song itself...Then adjusted them to fit the sections....Then sang over how I could, if there were problems, I'd refine from there.
How'd I get interested in making music? My dad was in a band when he was younger so I liked music pretty early. Played a lot growing up. Then I liked animation/games a lot and decided I wanted to write music too!
Your jam is amazing because of the rhythm, the mixing, and how uplifting the sound is.
@fr0gpr0, you create a very unique type of music that I have not heard frequently on Newgrounds. Where does this interest come from, and how do you create your music?
Ey Aalasteir thanks for your feedback and for listening! I really appreciate that u like this vibes!
I usually compose a fun melody with the melódica, then guitars, bass and percs do the rest. The melodies come to me by imagining videogames scenarios or different sequences, the process Is really fun xD
That's a really good technique you've used—starting your song as a piano concept and then further building it into an orchestral piece.
@chipsqueek, what's your advice for creating spooky music?
thanks, this is actually one of the few songs i've started as a piano concept. i usually wing it for things.
also whats my advice for creating spooky music? i'd say focus on minor chord and scales, changing root notes and scales to keep things uneasy, and use a ton of notes close to each other, like C and C#.
and for a more complex theory thing, use a lot of 3rd or 7th chords (3 or 7 notes up from the root note)
The stereo panning is very professional, with a strong separation of the musical elements that is done in a well-defined and constructive manner. You've built your song well. The "Ice Track" theme is also my favorite; it has amazing energy!
@TeffyD, which one is your favourite song?
Thank you! Probably either the City Track or the Ice Track theme
”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
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Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.
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I'm open for collab!
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By Psykonix
Age 24, Male
Drug dealer for kids
Pennsylvania Int Sch (PennIS)
DK / Timezone: CEST
Joined on 3/21/22