”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
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Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.
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I'm open for collab!
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By Psykonix

Aalasteir @SteveMaddenFootball

Age 24, Male

Drug dealer for kids

Pennsylvania Int Sch (PennIS)

DK / Timezone: CEST

Joined on 3/21/22

Exp Points:
10,226 / 10,670
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2y 11m 11d

Adehm - QA

Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - January 11th, 2025

@Adehm - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: Your experiences with the Internet

Pretty much started when a family friend gifted me an IPod Touch randomly one day at around the age of 7 or 8, grew up watching a lot of Youtube, watching channels like Chuggaaconroy and Smosh. Ended up becoming the more Tech savvy person amongst the family at a reallly young age, I remember when my older brother couldn't figure out how to connect the Wii to the internet so I had to do it. Watched a lot of the classic animes on Youtube, the first few episodes of Dragon Ball, Naruto and One Piece are quite special to me cuz that was all I can find on Youtube, and I kind of have a habit rewatching stuff I've already seen again and again when I'm bored (even today, which is pretty bad when I need to be actually productive with my life). Oh yeah, I ended up jailbreaking my IPod when I was really young too, that shit was so cold back in the day. I remember you had to use this thing called like 'Poison Apple' or something, and I remember plugging the phone to the windows XP family computer and having to hold button combinations on my IPod while you saw code racing across the screen, it was so sick.

When I was old enough to be in secondary school, I remember wanting to actually be a youtuber, ended up trying to learn sony vegas, a couple of the videos I made were shared on this channel, I've unlisted most of them, cuz they aren't great, only people from my school saw those, and I kinda got a positive response from them.

Q: How did you get interested in music?

Growing up I didn't actually really have an interest in music, sucked ass in music class, hated that shit.

It wasn't until I watched Etika's (EWNetwork) playthrough of Persona 5 where my brain started to actually think about video game music and it's impact on the experience of enjoying a video game.

Seeing Etika wild out on some of the tracks and presentation of this game, really changed my brain chemistry I think, started listeing to video game music more on my own time, specifically Sonic tracks and Jet Set Radio, the influence then started to spread to more common more mainstream tracks such as "Got To be Real" by Cheryl Lynn and I even discovered so more obscure stuff like this, which I still listen to today.

Most of this happened around the ages of 13 or 14 I think.

Q: How did you discover NG, and why did you join?

I think i've always known about NG growing up, but never really gave it any attention really, I mostly played online games on Miniclip.com when it was still around.

It was Friday Night Funkin' that not only brought me to NG, but also to actually making music in the first place.

I wanted to join simply because I wanted a place to put up my tracks, I wasn't (and still aint really) popular anywhere or atleast compared to my contemporaries in the FNF scene, so why not slap them on NG? Maybe I'll get some good feedback. Speaking of which, I gotta put more of the stuff I made back in the days up still.

Q: The story of your username: Adehm

I've always sucked ass at usernames, my original back in the days was "Amister5094", it was taken from when I watched a lets player called something along the lines of "Amisterramister" or maybe "RamisterAmister", I've tried multiple times to find them again, I can't anymore.

Around the time I started to learn Sony Vegas, I switched to the username "Adamjustplays" (corny, I know), this was around the time I was kinda a part of the Splatoon 1 community when I was really young like 12-ish.

While I was in that community, I was part of a small discord communtiy, and in that server there was someone called "Toby", and as I joke that I don't remember the context for, someone called him "Tobeh", and as a joke too, he called me "Adehm", and I just stuck with it, even though I haven't talked to any of them in years. I think one of them went on to be a decent streamer and they all still hang out together, which is nice to see.

Q: The story of your profile picture

I'm glad you asked this, because I get to shout out a lovely guy.

I think the original art was made by Mindchamber, but back when I was first around on Newgrounds and the FNF community, someone known as @xx_yayuh_xx on twitter posted this image and tagged me me randomly one day:


I grew up watching a lot of Youtube, so the mere thought of anyone making anything for me sounded amazing, so I still treasure this profile pic.

Q: How did you get to create music for Heroes of Pico's School and what was the process?

Mid to late December got contacted by Eydi for doing music for an upcoming Pico day game, I accepted, and made a snippet of "KEEP PUSHIN' IT" as a kind of "do you want this style of music for the game?" thing. He agreed, sent me his discord and then showed off a much earlier version of the opening, which I then altered the original track to match what he wanted for the intro movie (mostly just the track length).

Afterwards, he offered or I offered to do the rest of the OST, which I of course accepted (always wanted to VG OSTs, and I hope to do more).

Their really weren't a specific process, essentially, Eydi had ideas of what he wanted to call the levels (The hallway, the basement, the classroom, etc.) and then I would use those words to try to make something in Ableton relating to that vibe.

I think first track was either 'NICEBEATS' or 'Dial 430' (have I been using the wrong quotation marks this whole time? idk), although I definetely scrapped a couple of track in the process of creating the OST, here's a snippet of one of the first tracks I tried to make but scrapped cuz I couldn't figure out where else to take it:


Sinppet 1

Snippet 2

It's not great, not much to it either.

Thought it would suit a good Level Select theme initially, but Dial 430 ended up picking that role instead, main thing this track did help with, was figuring out the tone I wanted the overall OST to have, something a bit moody or grimy even. Also I even repurposed the kick and snare here for "Spook Trippin'".

Anyways, I essentially built up the tracks as the months went by, made a couple of tracks in one month, sometimes I made fuck another month, it was overall pretty chill and flexible experience on my end, although there was definitely a bit of a panic towards the game's developement when we were approaching the Pico day deadline, a lot of stuff got scrapped in the end unfortunately.

Q: Your advice for creating music

I have this issue were I can get really caught up on the mixing of my tracks wayyyy earlier than I should be, if you can avoid that, and focus more on the production of whatever you are making, it will help you way more in the long run.

- Night Journey

This happenend towards either the start of 2024, or end of 2023, don't remember exactly. I was just building my video game collection and one of the first consoles I wanted to start with was the dreamcast, and this particular game I wanted meant that I would have to travel for about 3 hours towards East Croydon, at night, alone, at the age of 18.

So, once my University lectures were wrapped up for the day, I made my way to East Croydon (not telling my parents of course), took the tram for the first time which was cool and arrived when it was dark. Now for context, I am someone fortunate enough currently to not have anything too bad happen to me, I haven't been robbed or seen anyone be robbed/assaulted/killed, no one particularly close has passed away, the most I've had was a pretty bad breakup with an ex really.

Anyways, once I arrived (it was now dark), being met with graffiti filled streets, dark alley ways, and a lot of sketchy people were about, I am not a threatening figure at all, and being alone here was spooky me a bit for sure. Fortunately, nothing particularly bad happened, but there was this one thing that happened were while I was walking forward staring down at my phone for directions, a guy with their face mostly covered in a group of 3 people with their faces covered too, held their arm suddenly in front of my face as if they wanted my attention. Which I responded with practically shitting myself, ignoring him and fast walking away while watching my back constantly.

All in all, I reached my destination, made my purchase and hastly made my way home without any issue.

Now then, what game made me go travel 3 hours to East Croydon, at night and alone?

ChuChu Rocket

I did all that to fucking buy ChuChu Rocket for like, 5 quid.

Q: WOW! That's very scary! Would you say your more careful when walking out because of the experience?

A bit, I enjoy travelling too much to be let that bug me, just more careful about walking at night.

I will say, I am surprised I am not dead yet, considering I used to walk out alone in this local nature reserve I live near, where service is less reliable, at the age of like, 12-14. I think Red Dead Redemption 2 got me interested going outside more cuz of how beautiful the game is.

Q: Do you like ChuChu Rocket?

It's alright, I think I got home that day, put the game, and ran through all the cahllenge puzzles in like an hour, and I haven't touched the game since, it's seems to be a game suited more for multiplayer.

Q: Favorite food and drinks

I enjoy eating at KFC too much, fried chicken in general is something I really like eating a lot, living in the country were there are a bunch of local chicken shops doesn't help either.

My mum makes stuff like molokhia which I do enjoy too.

I'm the type of motherfucker that can barely tell the difference between Pepsi and Coca-a-cola, so I typically go for those if it ain't water.

Q: What is it like living with "Visual Snow Syndrome"?

Mangeable, again it just made sleeping at night scarier, cuz the static stays while your eyes are closed, it sometimes I feel like I can make out images amongst the static, can be spooky sometimes.

When I learned what it was actually called, it explained a lot, but it's also sad that it's actually more of a neurological thing, not an eye ball thing. Growing up I thought "If I become rich, ima get eye surgery and see better", tough luck now.

Q: How did you get interested in collecting consoles and games?

Youtubers like Scott the Woz and AVGN. Ya know, other white guys with glasses, gotta follow in their footsteps of course.

I've always held the 7th console generation pretty close to my heart, it's what I mainly grew up on, but I grew up watching lets plays of games from the previous generation, so being able to finally own shit like "Luigi's Mansion" and a pretty good physical copy of both Jet Set Radio's, it's pretty neat.




Woo Smosh! Did you know smosh.com at one point in time was pretty much a NewGrounds clone @Adehm, with a Flash Portal and forum and everything NG had at that time? Before they started making their iconic videos. It's on the WayBack if you're curious, first few years of the site.

Chuggaaconroy I need to check out...

Very cool story on the profile pic... random acts of kindness really leave an imprint hmm, inspiring... and that ChuChu Rocket story!!! XD Glad you made it through that alright!!! Wonder what the guy who stopped you wanted, sounds like a potential spontaneity mugging that didn't really go how they planned it, but maybe they were just about to ask what you were doing there; help you out...

Nature's great though! Gotta get out more.

Just learned Molokhia was banned in Egypt for a while, interesting dish.

Learned quite a bit here! Never heard of Visual Snow Syndrome before either, sounds frustrating...

Nice interview y'all. The short Vocaro snippets above sound great too, gotta check more of that music.


No I didn't, I did not even know they had a website till now, which is kinda funny cuz im pretty sure smosh.com was shown in the iconic smosh intro every single time.

Chuggaa is a classic, a lot of youtubers you may be aware of, probably grew up watching him too. His Super mario sunshine, Mario galaxy and Luigi's Mansion playthroughs are the ones I like to come back to.

To be fair, I was kinda heading in their general direction, while my head was down to my phone, so maybe that one guy thought I was gonna walk into him, but idk, I felt like I was far enough to avoid walking into him.


They also have an account here if you haven't seen it, before they started making videos there was @Smosh ;) That site's been through a ton of iterations, gotta link in case ya don't go looking: https://web.archive.org/web/20040101075419/http://smosh.com/

Now compare that to for example: https://web.archive.org/web/20040804002801/http://newgrounds.com/

Ah the playthrough thing is something I never really got into, but good to know about. :) nigahiga was my jam back in the day, apart from Smosh of course, stuff like: https://youtu.be/6tDRBb0apDg

Mhm it could've been! Probably a wise call though. If they actually were about to try something you might've caught 'em off guard by just not reacting at all; not seeming to care about them.

Makes for a good story anyhow, all well that ends well, and it's got that ambiguous element to it that makes you wonder! Just like the best movies do.

Good read. Adam was great to work with. I'm very thankful that Newgrounds makes it possible to find and team up with talent.