”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
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I'm open for collab!
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By Psykonix

Aalasteir @SteveMaddenFootball

Age 24, Male

Drug dealer for kids

Pennsylvania Int Sch (PennIS)

DK / Timezone: CEST

Joined on 3/21/22

Exp Points:
10,236 / 10,670
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DeaghlanNG - QA

Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - December 25th, 2024

@DeaghlanNG - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: Post about badass motherfuckers you think are cool and explain why they’re badass and cool. I’ve heard you’re an expert on rad dudes

Fuck yeah, I am.

The first I'll discuss lightly as there is a following question that touches on the subject of Megadeth. Dave Mustaine. Basically, he gets it. What is 'it'? Life. Addiction. War. Love. Shitty people. Shitty situations. Corrupt governments/politicians. When he chooses to sing about a chosen topic, there's a good 95%+ chance I'll be right there with him. His lyrics mean the world to me.

Second, Ian Fraser 'Lemmy' Kilmister. If you like Motörhead, you already know what I'm talking about. The man was, in my approximation, a fucking Titan. Superb music, great voice, fantastic bass player. I often find myself watching interviews with Lemmy when I'm depressed and almost always come out with a smile on my face. I don't think there's one interview with him where he isn't waving a cigarette around pontificating about all sorts of subject matter. Also a very funny dude.

Third, Clint Eastwood. What's there to say that hasn't been said? He's my avatar for a reason. He has starred in and directed some of the most badass films of all time. Dirty Harry is a character that I keep in mind when I have to make tough decisions, sort of my equivalent of 'what would Jesus do?'. I think watching Clint's films as a kid made me realise you need to have the balls to tell the truth, even when it fucks you over in the long run. "Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one."

Finally, Johnny Cash. What a life that man lived. I couldn't do it justice in such a small paragraph, all I will say is I'm not religious, yet when I listen to his songs - I feel like God is speaking through him. The power of his belief in God is very admirable in my opinion, almost contagious.

Q: How did you become who you are now?

Lots of games and movies. The Sonic series was an early favourite of mine and is probably the reason I found Newgrounds way back. I touched on it a lot in the previous question, but music is really, very instrumental to my progression. Also, being good humoured about serious stuff is a long time habit of mine, and has made me very unpopular with the types of people who offend easily. I'm just trying to get a laugh, really - it's not all doom and gloom, people. And I guess finally, my early decision to quit drinking alcohol. In this coming April-ish, I will be 8 years sober. I've had a couple of rocky days since I quit, where I've caved in, but they always ended badly. Strengthened my convictions, if anything.

Q: What do you think about Christmas?

It's great! The only time of year I hear Dean Martin or Elvis on the radio, not that I listen to radio much but... you get what I mean. It's nice to have a chunk of the year for listening to golden oldies. Also, Christmas dinner around my house is... well it's heavenly.

Q: Your experiences with the Internet

Posting on Newgrounds for the last... what? Week? 2 Weeks? Is the most active I've been on the internet for years. Up until now it's been largely login, listen to music, download film, watch a cartoon then logoff. I was a consumer in other words. It's about time I started giving back in some small way. I never had Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, etc. so it's basically still fresh to me at the moment. I did however previously post anonymously on 4chan, but imo it's mostly porn and glowies on there nowadays, unfortunately. There are still some funny, interesting people on there... occasionally.

Q: The story of your username: DeaghlanNG

Deaghlan is Gaelic, it means 'full of goodness' or 'man of prayer/god'. There are various spellings of the name, but the meaning stays the same. Oh, and the NG means 'Nice Guy'... Nah jk. I stole it off of Oney <3

Q: What is NG? How did you discover the NG website? What made you decide to join the community? Do you feel differently about the site now compared to when you first joined?

@TomFulp stirred in his chair one day near the turn of the century, he thought to himself, "There just aren't enough Sonic vs Mario sprite battles on the internet." and just like that Newgrounds was born.

I remember my first day on Newgrounds well. I was young, maybe 6-7. My dad took me to his office and sat me down at his computer, said he had to do something and he'd be back later. In all my wisdom, I typed into google 'sonic'. One of the first results was that one sonic flash game everyone loved back then. It was on a lot of sites, but NG was were I landed. I think i spent all day searching and playing with those old scene creator games. It was magic.

I joined because it was time to start giving back, to put it concisely.

No, not really. It feels a little different than it did way back before I joined. There's still some edge, here and there, particularly in PMs. Can't complain, I always found edgy humour funny.

Q: What is NG not, in your opinion?

NG is not Youtube.

IMO, there is still a focus on quality art, cartoons, music, etc. and less emphasis on things like drama, attention grabbing, AI content farm shite that I can't quite understand why YT allows... oh, wait... it makes a lot of money, nvm. Fuck money. Let's have some fun!

Q: What are activities and subjects you like, although you rarely talk about?

The first thing that occured to me was my love of long drives. If you've seen Mad Men before, some of my favourite scenes are when Don would just get in his car and just drive along chain smoking cigarettes and listening to some old tunes. I remember watching that as a teen and thinking, "Yeah, I wanna be that guy". Fast forward till now and I regularly find myself driving directionless, singing along to some Johnny Cash with a lit cigarette balanced between my fingers. It's probably when I'm at my happiest, as sad as it is to say.

Other than that, I'm very private in the way I approach the guitar. Mainly cause I'm not a natural talent, everything I've learned has been very hard earned. To specify, I don't read sheet music, I don't know the names of chords and I'm not even 100% sure it's tuned correctly - I just hit the strings until they start to sound nice, I treat it a bit like a puzzle. It can be very relaxing when I'm in the right headspace for it.

Q: Why do you think that resonates with you?

I just like focusing on the road, the scenery, the cigarette in hand. Plus the car is moving too quickly for anyone to hear my voice breaking while singing "Peace Sells, but Who's Buying?". It's very relaxing.

Q: What do you think about Doomer Wojacks?

I gives them the thumbs down is what I does with 'em. *spits*

I think memes tend to wear jokes down to a little nub, long after they've stopped being funny. People should be more original, everybody's got one good joke in them. Some have considerably more.

Q: How did you get interested in playing the guitar? And why?

Johnny Cash was the reason I first picked up the acoustic, I still play Walk the Line just about everytime I practice - nice and easy exercise, plus it sounds nice.

Q: Why are you missing both of your big toenails? and how would you say that has impacted you

I'm overwhelmed in this sea of normal toenailed people, it's a lonely existence. I lost 'em cause I used to do athletics/track-and-field as a kid, apparantly it's a fairly common occurence.

- Acting School

More interestingly, I used to attend the same acting school that David Tennant (of Doctor Who fame) attended. Can't say I ever met him, or even know much about him - but it's just something that sticks out in my mind. Feels like a very, very long time ago now. I have a good memory for scripts and am fairly confident with public speaking, largely thanks to my time at the RSAMD (as it used to be known).

Q: How would you describe the experience?

Generally favourably, I was young - but getting up on stage and making an arse of yourself has a way of toughening you up. I once did a '''protest''' piece against smoking, obviously I didn't write it - people were not impressed.

Q: What did you learn at acting school?

How to speak in public was a big one. I also have a great memory for scripts and musical lyrics. Also, comedic acting is far easier cause everyone loves to laugh... almost everyone.

Q: What?

I don't fucking know man, watch this neat vid I found on the internets.


- The Sausage Man

I was speaking to a friend recently about an old thing that happened to me on a bus. In my hometown, you get some weird cunts on buses... it's just the way things are. One day, I was sat up the back of a double decker bus and one of these aforementioned weirdos gets on. He sits down a few rows in front of me and takes out a plastic carrier bag. From inside the bag he retrieves a package of raw sausage meat and a loaf of sliced bread. Can you see where this is going? Yeah, that's right. He constructed and then ate a sandwich comprised solely of raw sausage meat and bread. Years later, I still think of that man. I hope he's well.

Q: Why did he do it?

Preparing for the coming apocalypse is my best guess... Also, poverty. Yeah. That's probably it.

Q: Has that made you think about your diet? How would you describe your diet because of that situation you experienced?

Not really. I never was a big eater. More recently I've been on the Ketogenic diet, that is all meat, no carbs. It's working pretty well so far, I think I joined NG because I have been in a more energetic mood lately. Sugar is bad for you, mmmmkay?

Also, the friend I was talking to about the sausage guy was @fuckoffasshole, I wasn't sure if he would want a mention.

Q: What, in your opinion, makes a good sandwich?

Two beautiful goth chicks with me in the middle, would be my choice :P

Q: What do you like about clubs?

Not a whole lot anymore, to be honest. Since I don't drink. It depends on the club. I once went to a proper goth one, where everyone had long black hair and black clothes and there was heavy metal of all descriptions playing - that was pretty sweet. I should probably go there again.

Q: Can you provide examples of media you enjoy? What are the identifying elements you like about it, and why do you think they resonate with you?

Movies, Art, Games and otherwise that contain Guns, Beautiful Women, Explosions, Good Music and Good Humour won't go amiss with me. I'm but a simple man and these are the things that men like me enjoy.

Q: How did you get interested in creating art and animations?

I suppose I was working my first proper job after I got out of college and quickly realised all of the joy was slowly draining from my existence, and if I didn't course correct immediately I was going to grow into one miserable son of a bitch. I stopped playing guitar, stopped drawing, stopped having fun altogether, really. I'm far happier nowadays than I was then, even if I don't have as much money to blow on hookers and intravenous drugs. LOL jk

Animation is still a work in progress for me, but I'm having fun so far. Got a couple ideas for what I want to get done. My first revolves around a photoframe. I'm having problems finding a solid punchline, but it will come to me in time.

Q: What do you like about Megadeth?

Dave Mustaine, David Ellefson, Marty Friedman, Nick Menza, whoever joins up brings their own unique attributes. But the main staying power is Mustaine's powerful, thought provoking lyrics and ear shredding guitar. I don't know how he does it, and continues to do it. But I'm eternally thankful he does. During one of my worst periods in my whole previous job situation, I listened to In My Darkest Hour for the first time and something just clicked. I knew I had to get out of there. Long live Dave Mustaine.

Q: Your favourite drinks

Something fruity with a lime wedge teehee :3

Try sparkling water, it's good for you. You can flavour it anyway you want and it doesn't have a fraction of the sugar that soft drinks typically do.

Also, black coffee. Where would I be without black coffee? Probably in bed.

Peace out! This was fun.




This was a fun interview. You're an interesting cat @DeaghlanNG, and it seems you've lived quite the life already. Say do you get cold toes easily when you don't have all toenails intact? I hear they have an impact on internal temperature; some people get problems with that...

Also curious what you think about Metallica, considering your love for Megadeth? There seems to be some tension between those two bands and their respective fanbases...

Peace, though! Enjoyable read. Nice to get digitally acquainted.

Haha, not at all. Really it just means if I go to the beach barefoot, the occasional person will freak out when they notice. I don't even really think about it anymore LOL

And I personally am not a Metallica fan at all, the tension you mention (heh, rhymed) is because Dave Mustaine was in Metallica and got kicked out for being... well too much of a rockstar imo. They continued to use some of his work, even when he told them not to.

I think he used his anger towards them to make Megadeth as good as possible, so in a way I have Metallica to thank for that. Firing Dave was the best thing that ever happened to him is my honest opinion.

Also, Lemmy's cover of Enter Sandman blows them out of the fucking water.


Good to know one can lose ones toenails without sensory repercussion at least. :) I've never seen anyone without toenails before, that'd be interesting!

Ah. I had been told it was more so artistic differences that had them separate, and that Metallica's rampant rise to fame left Mustaine in a dark place; he felt Megadeath deserved the acclaim that Metallica was getting, and that they didn't have the skills to back up their rise to stardom. The divide and grouping of fans that root for either one or the other thus seemed imminent... you definitely get different sides of the story depending on who you talk to. I don't listen to much of either, but Dirk Verbeuren is definitely one of the better drummers I've heard, love his Drumeo stuff: https://youtu.be/Pk8RFcd6j0I

Appreciate your opinion! 👍✨

Hadn't heard the Motörhead version, very nice!

Obviously depending on who you listen to you get a different story, really I understand Mustaine feels a bit bummed Metallica went on without him - but I personally think Metallica are like... just... not HARD enough. Megadeth is like a slap in your face. Metallica is like a cup of tea with your grandmother LOL but these are just my opinions, naturally.

Also, that drumeo vid was very interesting. I think my personal fav drummer was either Mikkey Dee or Filthy Phil Taylor.


For sure. :) lmao, I wonder if Metallica's music's ever been described as a cup of tea with your grandmother before! XD They're certainly different, Metallica's newer and older music too, Kill 'Em All album and all. Personally I like how their sound's evolved, but I'm not super-into the heaviest of heavy metal, more so numetal/grunge/alternative. Currently. Definitely should explore more of MegaDeth's repertoire as well, I do hear only good things of it...

As for drumming, my favorites at the moment are probably these guys:

Mike Portnoy

Chad Smith

El Estepario Siberiano

Danny Carey

+ Dirk.

Oh hey Mikkey Dee's a Swede! :D I didn't know... love Scorpions. Haven't heard a lot of Motörhead for some reason...

Mikkey Dee is a real cool guy, Scorpions are great as well. Motorhead have a very specific sound you either love or hate, personally I can't get enough. I'll have a look at your drums rec's soon, I just ended a 7ish hour drive and I am currently near death's door :P


Good to know. :) Mikkey does seem cool for sure. Hey no rush at all, and no need to watch all of those videos either if you're not as into the art of percussion as I am. El Estepario Siberiano in particular is maybe the most impressive drummer IMO, always trying new things, his one-handed covers are pretty crazy. May you recoup soon good dude, long drive! 🙏

Oh, no I'll definitely get to all of them, they're super interesting. Drumming is the spine to basically all bands, I'm just a sort of guitar centric kinda guy. I'm watching the Mike Portnoy vid right now and he has his work cut out for him to say the least!
Oh yeah, just finished the vid, he fuckin nailed it.

@DeaghlanNG Yesss it definitely is! I love guitar too, not sure why I'm so into percussion at the moment. Have you seen/heard Ego Death with Polyphia, Steve Vai cameo? Not heavy metal - for the most part, but the guitar there, lawdy...

Hell yeah! Mike's a beast.

I hadn't, but I'll give it a look.
Steve Vai's great, you should look at the behind the scenes of the Halo 2 soundtrack, if you haven't. He improvised the Mjolnir mix on the spot, that's nuts!


For your convenience: https://youtu.be/1JNmz17gnMw

Oh dang, did not know he'd been involved with Halo 2! Just learned Stewart Copeland did the soundtrack for Spyro back in the day too, I had no idea icons as such were at all involved with videogames, very cool... I'll definitely check that out too!