The favorite game choice here is totally relatable. Serious Sam is epic, and HoMM3 is an old love.
Great interview overall as always
”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
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Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.
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I'm open for collab!
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PFP Chosen by
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By Psykonix
Age 24, Male
Drug dealer for kids
Pennsylvania Int Sch (PennIS)
DK / Timezone: CEST
Joined on 3/21/22
The favorite game choice here is totally relatable. Serious Sam is epic, and HoMM3 is an old love.
Great interview overall as always
Wacky personal websites or NeoCities pages ftw! I love stumbling upon those too. You might appreciate this @Kolumbo:
Film school experiences, that one time at band camp... you've got a lot of good stories! Though I'm even more curious about the Kolumbo name now. XD
Curious about that perfect sandwich too.
Also hell yeah Serious Sam!!! Got the GBA version of the first games a while ago, haven't played it yet...
Did you ever get into Day of the Tentacle type games? Zombies Ate My Neighbors name reminds, gotta play that some day too...
This was a fun interview. Nicely done y'all.
Happy 2025!
Thank you so much, Cyberdevil!
The "one time at band camp" is a reference from American Pie.
It took me a while to take it that one out.
NeoCities are unique and full personality. Thank you for sharing the website.
I got one called: mjyoung, it is about time travel.
Happy 2025!
I hope you've had a great New Year!
Ahh good to know about the American Pie thing! I must have seen the movie, but I barely remember it...
Ooh nice. Unfortunately my own site doesn't seem to qualify for inclusion... yet. It's a search engine just for either old or very low-resource websites, just found out about it yesterday. :)
Yesterday certainly was good, today a little slower. :) Likewise Aalasteir (hey you got your name back again!!!), Happy 2025!
eyo who tf pinged me