”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
I'm open for collab!
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PFP Chosen by
- SIG - Banner
By Psykonix

Aalasteir @SteveMaddenFootball

Age 24, Male

Drug dealer for kids

Pennsylvania Int Sch (PennIS)

DK / Timezone: CEST

Joined on 3/21/22

Exp Points:
10,226 / 10,670
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.23 votes
Audio Scouts
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
2y 11m 11d

SteveMaddenFootball's News

Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - April 11th, 2024

@CaioAdriel2006 - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: How did you discover your art style?

I discovered my artistic style when I was a child! I learned to draw alone at home, drawing on several notebooks and sheets of paper. After a few years, I learned to draw alone on my father's computer and I intend to continue developing my artistic style in the next few years!

Q: What do you think about animating?

I think the animations are incredible depending on the creator's ability to make animations that are considered interesting to please the public!

Q: Who made Madness?

obviously Matt "Krinkels" Jolly! I'm a fan of Madness Combat!

Q: Are the users of the site working hard enough to make the experience worse for everybody, or are they not doing a good enough job and they should try harder?

both! I think! I don't know! Even though I'm not the type of person who puts in a lot of effort to deliver something good and of quality, I generally always do it with the amount of time I have and as much as I can do!

Q: Top 10 reasons why Hank is cool

first! Hank defeats his enemies in the most violent and brutal ways possible.

second! Hank is skilled in weapons combat.

third! Hank always resurrects.

fourth! Hank faced Jebus.

fifth! Hank has cool clothes mainly from MC5, MC9.5 and MC9.5 PT 2.

sixth! Hank has an arch-nemesis who is a killer zombie clown.

seventh! Hank is playable in Madness Combat games!

eighth! Hank is largely unemotional, possessing immense cold blood, massacring groups of enemies without hesitation and normally persisting in situations that terrify normal people, even those accustomed to massacres.

ninth! The fanarts and animations made by other Hank users are good and cool from the NG community.

tenth! Hank killed 207 people in MC1, MC2 and MC3. Hank is awesome!

Q: Top 10 reasons why Newgrounds is good

Newgrounds is incredible!

first! There are incredible films and animations made by the NG community.

second! There are cool and fun games for everyone to play.

third! There are several user-made arts for everyone to enjoy.

fourth! There are songs for everyone to listen to on the NG website.

fifth! There are forums to chat or organize artistic collaboration.

sixth! you can create various game, animation, art or music projects.

seventh! the Newgrounds website is safe to browse!

eighth! you can win prizes in some events on the Newgrouds website.

ninth! opens up several opportunities to enter an artistic career in animation, games, music and arts.

tenth! Everything by Everyone!

Q: Is Skibidi Toilet good or bad?

Skibidi Toilet is not that good but it is not that bad either! It's a strange meme made to catch the public's attention because it's strange but cool!



Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - April 11th, 2024

@Nebulate - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: How did you choose the name Nebulate?

My username is from an old fakemon of mine. It was some silly black hole DJ. The name is a portmanteau of "nebula" and "annihilate" beacouse its a black hole. I chose this name beacouse it sounded cool yet laid back.

Q: How did you join NG? What do you think about the place?

FNF got me into NG (wow, shocker). I like the artstyle and the character designs that came from FNF and that atracted me to NG. I was also wery into lerning about internet culture at the time and NG is a time capsule of internet culture. But my thoughts on the site: i thing its great. I like that peaople here can show what they made without the flame wars that happen at Twitter and Tumbler. Its cool that peaople arrent assholes here.

Q: What are some positives and negatives with NG?

Positives is that the community is chill with what other peaople is posting. I dont see that mutch hate, there of cource is some, but compared to other sites, NG has the peaople that respects other users despite skill/experiance/whatever. I also like that the site is edgy at times but fully know where to stop. Witch is somthing i feel is missing alot of other places (online and in the real world).

Negatives must be peaople that just cant understand how to behave here. Yeah there will always be a jackass on NG (jackasses are a constant on the internet) but also peaople who who beleave that they are not in need of critisism. You know THOSE users that cant see the difference between actual critique and "lol ur art sux". I beleave that art shoud be critique in a constructive way even tho it might sound harsh. And i think those type of users bring down the NG spirit.

Q: Top 10 suggestions you have for making NG worse?

1: Having the NG holydays on a different date than they are suposed to.

2: Getting bought by Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg or those greedy asshole billionares.

3: Waves of THOSE Twitter users joining the site.

4: FNF GF destroying the site (like christ cant she just drink that beer another place).

5: Clock Crew does a heist and steals the password to Tom's acount.

6: Pico and Tankman getting replaced by a different face for the site.

7: Discontinuing FNF.

8: Darnell burning classified info about Pico's School 2.

9: Beeng as unstable as Art Fight (if you have used that site you know its held together by duck tape and a prayer).

10: NG allowing photos and/or irl videos on the site.

Q: What do you like about drawing?

I have always enjoyed just for how simple it is to get around to it. Yeah you have todraw alot if you want to be skilled. You cant start skilled. I like to see the progress i make when drawing. Compared to the the trash with no god i used to draw at the start of my NG carrer i love the fact that i have improoved so mutch. And while i find it difficult to get out of my confort zone i still love to see my progress on my art journy even tho it has not been that long since i properly took art seriusly.

Q: What is it like living in Norway?

Better than the other Scandinavian countries (gottem). But to be serius: you get a great connection to the place you live in since towns and cities are very far apart from eachother. And even tho i am not the guy to go climbing the mountians: i still get a sense of pride when i see them from a window. I feel proud to be a Norwegian citizen.

Q: When will the moderators rerokee my right to post news?


Q: What do you think about collabs?

I like some of them. And im not as big of a fan of other. In terms of art collabs here i prefer the art collabs that arrent in the art portal. Like those "game" collabs that yeah, some of them are practicaly glorified powerpoint presentations. But other game art collbs that are actual games are reely good stuff. But when an art collab goes in the art portal. Its not for me. I do understand why others love those types of collabs. I just dont find them as engaging.



Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - April 10th, 2024

@M-kirbs - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: How did you choose your name M-kirbs?

I mentioned this before, but it stemmed from M-kins in Pokemon X and I swapped kins with kirbs cuz I'm THAT much of a Kirby fan...to point where it's practically my brand!

Q: Who is Kirby?

My beloved pink boyo who should be cherished...aaaaand kind of a god killer to say the least. The actual answer is to put simply a pink puffball made by HAL Labs who loves eating and copying foes A LOT (in that order).

Q: How did you get interested in Newgrounds?

Admittedly, I WAS one of those people who joined in through FNF, buuuut my first exposure to NG was stuff like Brawl Taunts that lil' kirbs REALLY shouldn't be watching at her pre-teens, but I don't care about the swears and sex jokes, I just find em funny! My big bro made an account which led to me to make my own, no regrets since.

Q: How did you get interested in creating art?

I've always had a passion for art, ever since I was MUCH younger I drew stuff from cartoons and such. I was a weird child back then for making paper cut-out puppets and stuff.

Q: Which user should be banned from the BBS permanently?

Aalasteir...no, I'm not being held at gunpoint to say that.

Q: How do you feel about Newgrounds?

Love the place with all my heart, it's my first stepping stone into the digital art realm, for better and slightly for worse (well, DEFINITELY for the better). NG has a lot of history that I still have yet to learn! Just uh, also very grateful I can keep my innocence more with content filtering, don't wanna see that gross stuff. O_O

Q: If you could hypothetically give a message to @TheShokBlok what would the message be?

I love you...platonically, of course.

Thanks for having me for this lil' interview thing!



Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - April 10th, 2024

@AlexToolStudio - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: How did you discover Newgrounds?

A: my friend Cosmictoons joined and since i was old enough i can join. Also i wanted to try out FNF

Q: What is an object show?

A: it where objects do challenges to win prizes and stuff

Q: What do you think about TikTok?

A: i do use Tiktok it just mid. It was fun during 2020 and 2021

Q: What isn't an object show?

A: any objects that don't have limbs and faces and can talk

Q: Suggestions you have for improving Newgrounds

A: well i wanted to be a NG Star (Sr Pedo, Voicebycorey) so i plan to Voice more movies, collab with other VA on here

Part 2:

Q: What did you learn from the experience of doing THE NINTENDO 64 COLLAB

well i know that making a collab isn’t easy then I thought it was

Q: What do you like about the movies Happy Gilmore and Waterboy?

well it just how Adam Sandler make it funny

Q: What makes a good Newgrounds member from your perspective?

they make and how nice they are

Q: How do you know if someone is behaving good or bad?

well take the reviewers on the N64 collab as a example there are 0 because IT DONT HAVE FLARKING MUSIC IM GETTING TIRED OF IT. and the nice people are like really nice on the people arts

Q: Were you surprised when you got honorary supporter status?

i was shocked because it was a year and the person was anonymous

Q: What makes a finished project good?

you know likes how it perfect and how it runs

Q: What does it mean to be cool?

well to be cool you gotta be nice and funny

and handsome



Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - April 10th, 2024

@Tomafokio - @Aalasteir (Q) Index

Q: How did you discover Newgrounds?

Through the Madness Combat. I just wanted to download the Madness Nexus 2 project, but I came across the first part of the game on NG. There were attractive medals there, and to get them you need to register. Well, I've registered

Q: How did you get interested in art?

I have been fond of drawing for a very long time. And then I decided to draw for everyone :D

Q: Who made Madness?

Of course Matt "Krinkels" Jolly!

Q: Is Newgrounds a crazy place? What do you like about the community?

There are many masterpieces from childhood here! Of course, I know that much earlier everything was no better, or even crazier... But now it's even perfect here! As for the community, it's great too! Of course, there may be arguments now, but at least they don't escalate into a typical "Twitter" drama

Q: What do you think about the Forums? And should I be banned from them?

The forum system is quite convenient here. And as for you, you didn't break any rules in the forums, so definitely you shouldn't be banned! Well, if you broke the rules, you should have been banned



Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - April 10th, 2024

@TomFulp - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: How grimdark does the future look for your website?

I see endless stress ahead but NG generally persists.

Q: You, PsychoGoldfish, liljim, and BrentHeMan share memes with each other. What types of memes do you share?

I searched and couldn't find the last meme that we shared, I think we are post-meme now.

Q: When will you close the Supporter Party?

When the rest of the forums become Supporter-only forums.

Q: Currently my voting power is "6.69 votes" how awesome is that?

It's ok.

Q: Do you ever feel impressed by how shit some users are?

More just sad.

Q: What would be your advice for being cool?

If I knew the answer to that, NG would be more successful!

Q: How do I get people to vote 5 on my spam?

Ask them to vote 5.



Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - April 10th, 2024

@XwaynecoltX - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: Do you think your reviews are better than my reviews?

A- No lol

Q: What if instead of The Nightmare Before Christmas it was called gay sex before Christmas?

A It would put an interesting twist on it maybe the next Broke back Christmas lol

Q: How has your perspective on reviewing changed over the years?

A It started with 6 reviews and went upwards for better ones and I try for that at times but not always the case

Q: What makes you keep making reviews?

A Not sure just enjoy it I guess I dont get payed for it so it could be some of the OCD still lingering lol

Q: Do you sometimes feel people misunderstand your reviews?

A yep most probably

Q: What do you like about the GTA parody radio shows, including the relatable Lazlow! And do you think current GTA is going in the right direction?

A GTA was a great game since the first top view ones and the new ones are just as good , I dont have much time for GTA these days

Q: Do you think farts are rebellious?

A Sure why not LOL

Q: Is the current direction of Newgrounds going in the right direction, if so how can we make it worse?

A Newgrounds has seen many changes some great stuff comes through. There was some amazing humor back in the day though before 2010



Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - April 10th, 2024

@Malachy - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: Do you look down on me because I'm only level 25 and you're level 51?


Srs answer: I am so bad at voting regularly and in the old system I never remembered to actually deposit even when I voted. NG Logs had a stat for missed deposits and I think I had missed 10 whole years worth despite being here every day.

Q: When you read a books, do you feel smarter than people who don't read books?

I read a lot of nonsense fiction for fun so I don't feel like I'm getting any smarter. But if you can't read then you don't understand what I'm saying in this interview. What are you doing here? Go watch adult swim you big dummy!!

Q: Why am I not banned from the BBS?

Who says you aren't >:)

Q: As a review moderator, do you feel that people have become better at writing reviews recently? (2024 to 2030)

Worse. Nobody takes pride in really examining the nuances of tentacle hentai anymore. It's a shame

Q: Is it lonely being at the top of the worst moderator list? Do you feel like the other moderators are not trying hard enough, or is it because you're just that good?

It took a lot of effort to come back after over a decade of losing the vote but I'm winner once again! @ZJ and @dobio can suck it.



Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - April 10th, 2024


Gif By @MrPurpleMrPurple

1 - Malachy

2 - XwaynecoltX

3 - TomFulp

4 - Tomafokio

5 - AlexToolStudio

6 - M-kirbs

7 - Nebulate

8 - CaioAdriel2006

9 - BoiledMilkz

10 - MasterHand4444

11 - OviManic

12 - antmaster208

13 - OnyxGalaria

14 - Finasty

15 - SourCherryJack

16 - BroSkullEmoji

17 - SevenChakras

18 - Doggonnys

19 - KingCrowned

20 - OnceHere

21 - 53xy83457

22 - Lt-Abdelhak

23 - tox

24 - SkProductions

25 - Chdonga

26 - Skoops

27 - ElRandomGMD

28 - ScepterDPinoy

29 - DancarMar

30 - LilSpook

31 - Jojo

32 - GlitchBuddy

33 - wayyward

34 - Picochu

35 - FunnyPlush

37 - GGishere

38 - Haggard

39 - Taka

40 - fe3l1ngsk1lledd

41 - Caniac77

42 - xanxoepico

43 - TigerPlushiefire

44 - Olexxie

45 - TheShokBlok

46 - ImPage

47 - TwoSipsofBleach

48 - ShockAbe

49 - sp-ec

50 - TaintedLogic

51 - Tyhond

52 - Thetageist

54 - TeffyD

55 - Jaqbix

56 - Bundeluxe

57 - DeeDotNG

58 - Huix

59 - GloomFlower

60 - jackimojackimo

61 - OmenaKettu

62 - SerebetGM

63 - Dieswyx

64 - ZabuJard

65 - J-Bar004

66 - Watermelon921bkk

67 - MrPurpleMrPurple

68 - ICantSeeHelp

69 - ash1car

70 - Lizguy74

71 - EggDef

72 - jinglejamjenkins

73 - S3C

74 - MaxonClakson

75 - Simoes1000

76 - Magnus727

77 - earshot

78 - MMFan200479

80 - Gelert

81 - Myceli0m

82 - burastar

83 - KingGunshot

84 - Creeperforce24

85 - Blitzilla

86 - PLJerry

87 - lowstation

88 - SkankyMojo

89 - Itsmega

90 - CappyCatII

91 - Hydweeb

92 - SomeDoodles

93 - KittyhawkMontrose

94 - kmau

95 - G2961

96 - Siberg

97 - anymany

98 - FreakFormal


100 - Nerostratos

101 - Ferbun

102 - joeyvfx

103 - trevor8

104 - EmsDeLaRoZ

105 - Chuw-Croissantier

106 - wineplume

107 - ElectroNat

108 - bellsosu

109 - Xhashaseed

110 - KyleKirenn17

111 - ShangXian

112 - DrSaturn2

113 - Hookington

114 - Stonmann

115 - Jampley-Dev

116 - PachkaNG

117 - ConorKehelly

118 - larrynachos

119 - Porter

120 - Andrey20

121 - BroatsShorts

122 - 23i


124 - AZ0RZER0

125 - SlowPumpkins

126 - EGurt

127 - FinaLee


129 - midgetsausage

130 - DeaghlanNG

131 - Kolumbo

132 - Aalasteir

133 - VariableGR

134 - JohnnyUtah

135 - Adehm

136 - Hexelbit

137 - Chris

138 - Dem0n1x

139 - KornArt3

140 - whimsical-wife

141 - VergilMon

142 - sebulant

143 - GnarpzART

144 - TobyMoon

145 - TinFoi

147 - JiggsawToons


149 - Kidincu

150 - Trelliaart

151 - V1ZION

152 - GooseoToons

153 - kaiakairos

154 - CalamityGanon

155 - ForgottenDawn

156 - Owlandras

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Posted by SteveMaddenFootball - February 2nd, 2024


Information & collaboration

Perhaps I can help you with

Audio Production:


Collab Organizing:



Voice Acting | Sound | Music:



Voice Demo:

Comic writing:

Writing and crude animation:

Super Poopio



Focusrite Scarlett Solo Studio (1st Gen) USB Audio Interface and Recording Bundle

Complete DIY Vocal Booth PREMIUM - 200x200cm

SB-VG Blankets

Big microphone stand

Spider Shockmount

Foam shield

I check Newgrounds at least once a day

You are guaranteed a response within 24 hours

